When Stressed and Pressed for Time
Try as I may, I have often found myself pushed hard up against deadlines. However, I’ve learned that panicking often leads to mistakes needing extensive rework, as well as a lack of polish in the final product. Recognizing the phrase and white-knuckle intensity of “I have to…” as a red flag to stop myself and resetting has allowed me to become efficiently productive.
One year my son was in the same state of panic as he was trying to get caught up in schoolwork after being out sick for over a week. I wrote a basic version of the words above on a sticky note and placed it on the wall next to his desk. Just focus on the one task that’s in front of you. When you’re done with that one, just repeat.
Too often we make an enemy of time, when it is time that we desire. Make time your ally. To do so we (those of us who procrastinate) need to change our habits. But changing something that we automatically do or programmed ourselves to do is really difficult if not impossible for some. However, in the words of James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, “If you’re having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn’t you. The problem is your system…You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” I’m really enjoying his book which is full of great insight and practical applications. Would highly recommend it for anyone looking to find ways/systems to improve their lives.
We’re always running out of time or blaming it. Have you ever stopped to cherish and be grateful for time?