Receive the Power of the Universe
I had an acquaintance who had a difficult life as a youth struggling with disownment, identity, finances, and getting cancer on top of it all; having to pay for treatment without insurance. Finally independent and getting her feet under her with a job, her grandfather passed away, relationships fell apart, and many more issues arose. She felt like all of these things were slipping away and she had to grab the ends of their ropes to keep them together. But the stress was tearing her apart, she couldn’t hold on any longer.
This message was to let her know she didn’t have to do it by her strength alone. That sometimes instead of being rigid and fighting for what we think we want, when we let go the current will lead us to where we need to be. In the words of Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, “Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything — anger, anxiety, or possessions — we cannot be free.”
Be mindful, however, that “letting go” doesn’t mean you throw your hands up and toss your oars overboard. It means letting go of our need for absolute control; to align our thoughts and actions to the rhythms and cycles of the natural universe. Slowly and gently releasing our tension, raising our head to get our bearings, and using our oars not to paddle hectically away from hitting the rock of certain disaster, but as a rudder using the current to steer away from it. In this way, we flow with and receive the power of the Universe.
Once she let go, her life balanced out. Is there anything in your life you’re hanging on to, too tightly?