The Purpose of Life
I was in deep thought trying to come up with something sincere to write on a coworker’s birthday card. Something that celebrates the gift of another year of life instead the humor-filled ones most people usually scribble. After I finished writing, the words above regarding the purpose of life came to me. Thinking it was profound; I immediately wrote them down on a sticky note so I wouldn’t forget.
Sometimes we receive messages that are to be passed on to someone. Pondering if this was one of those messages, I wondered who it was for. When I returned home from work, my husband asked first thing, “What is the purpose of life?” Shocked, but having the sticky note in my hand to tell him about it, I held it out proudly saying, “I guess this was for you!” He asked me because he was in the middle of replying to an email from a seeker who asked that very question.
The universe is always trying to communicate with us, but usually in whispers. All too often we’re rushing about or there’s so much other noise around us that we don’t hear these messages. Or we’re like my son one time where he asked a question but was already walking away before I could answer. “Did you want to hear my answer or not?” is how I felt. Again, stillness and patience bring clarity to our path.
Closed eyes see the way; quiet heart hears answers.
How often do you stop to really listen? Have you discovered your unique gift?