Healing the Heart - After Tragedy
My boys were still in elementary school when the Connecticut school shooting occurred in 2012. Parents and communities alike were deeply rattled by such a devastating tragedy. People didn’t know what to do with all of their emotions and negative energy, and I could see it was affecting the children.
Our Great Mother Earth not only sustains our lives through the foods with which she provides, but also has amazing power to safely ground and disperse tremendous volts of lighting, and even take the “crap” of life and turn it into nourishing fertilizer. My father always taught that worrying is a waste of time because it produces nothing useful, only harmful. And to use or channel that energy instead towards something useful. So, I created and posted this on our school bulletin in 2012, once again in my own work department when a local mall shooting took away a coworker, and many more times for various natural disasters as well as for families who have lost loved ones to suicide or sudden tragedies.
Closure is so important in our lives, but often times we are left with questions, guilt, and “what ifs.” I often hear in the business world, “you can be part of the problem, or part of the solution.” Pour out and ground those negative energies safely into the earth, and allow your heart to be filled with nurturing energy which can be helpful and healing to yourself and to those around you.