Balance is the Key

My cubicle at work was minimalistic with just a few nature photos, bamboo backing and plants. Every once in a while, one of my co-workers who was an avid cyclist would stop by and say, “I need more of this Zen energy,” while wafting the air towards herself. She asked me one day, “What’s your secret to staying so calm and peaceful all the time?” I think I told her, “Balance.”

She was looking to bring in peace and harmony through external means. However, harmony is when there is the right balance within the many components of ourselves: our emotions, energy, and thoughts. The “right” balance for each person differs depending on your nature and personality, and like riding a bike, it is a constant tiny shifting of weight between the components depending on the terrain to stay upright and moving forward. Peace or peace of mind is just a result of achieving this harmony through the mindful balancing of your life. Ask yourself throughout the day, do you need more socialization and active energy, or solitude and quiet calm energy?

Have you found your balance?


Smile and Be Happy


Love is Unconditional