Let the Light In Your Heart Guide You

Those who drop in and out of depression know too well how difficult it is to get out and stay out of the gray or blackness that has no end or doors, just slippery slopes to lower darker levels. There was a lady in such a state who said, “If only someone could shine a light so I can see my way out...” But the dense bubble of depression people are encased in distorts and diminishes sounds, reason, and even light.

Depression heavily affects the mind and body, but not so much our spirit. Like the roots of trees and plants, our spirits ground us to the earth and nourish us through the harshest of winters. Therefore, if you find yourself where your mind and body are not functioning well, focus on your spirit. Even if it feels like it’s not there or that you’ve bent, broken, or burnt it - it never disappears. Like the light of the star “Eärendil” Frodo Baggins received from the Elf Queen in The Fellowship of the Ring, “…May it be a light in dark places, when all other lights go out.”

Others can help and guide you, but only you can save yourself.


Change and Benefits


Health is the basis of everything